AIAA SciTech 2025 – Orlando Florida

group of people at conference

Current and former doctoral students in Professor Raman’s lab (APCL) and Professor Gamba’s lab (GDIL).

Top row, left to right : Vansh Sharma, Dr. Lorenzo Angelilli, Shivank Sharma, Sebastian Abisleiman, Dr. Ral Bielawski, Shuzhi Zhang, Oliver Gibson, Dr. Louis Edelman, Professor Gamba.

Bottom row, left to right : Dr. Supraj Prakash, Dr. Shivam Barwey, Jose Guerrero, Dr. Jagmohan Singh, Yusuf Keskinoz, Dr. Fabian Chacon, Ben Bates

people standing next to sign

Jose Guerrero, Dr. Fabian Chacon, Ben Bates, Professor Miro Gamba